Friday 15 July 2016

How to become Self Employed as Architects


 Architectural engineering also termed as building engineering is a field which requires specialization in architectural aspects and principles of engineering. It is related to planning, designing and construction of building and architectural structures. It includes other engineering fields such as mechanical, electrical and Fire protection. Engineers in this field work with other architects on functional requirements of building projects. Architectural engineering is a bright field which focuses on several areas which includes structural integrity of buildings, analysis of heating and air conditioning system, design of electrical and fire protection systems, planning of energy conservation issues.

Performance and growth of industry in India
As of 2011, there are 17 accredited architectural engineering programs. In India around 200 colleges are there which provides degree in Architectural engineering. Due to lack or shortage of trained architects this field hasn’t got it due exposure. There is a high demand for trained architects in private construction companies to carry out various construction projects. India currently needs more than 10,000 trained professionals in various government and private organizations. Qualified professional are well placed in consultancy companies, architect firms, universities, etc. It is still one of the fields which require more attention to grow and to bring fresh talent in the market. It requires thoughtful thinking to grow this field in India and then worldwide. It has great scope in future and people can be trained to become professional in this field to make this world a better place.

Options and Opportunities
Soon architectural engineers will be in high demand to work in building structures. They can work in construction industry or its related areas. They can also have the option to go for non-profit organizations or firms. Research and Development fields or positions also suit them well and they can gain work experience to fit in any industry.

Top 3 architect Jobs
        Architect - OnPrem Solution Partners - Austin, TX , At the Innovation and Development Center (IDC) we build custom software applications that support our clients’ needs and
·         Data Architect - Quotient Technology Inc. - Mountain View, CA - The Data Architect will need to be able to drive adoption of technologies to ensure performance, scalability, latency, and accessibility. You will
        Systems Architect, Accelerated Computing - Xilinx - San Jose, CA -Xilinx. The overarching responsibility of this role is to understand the system level requirements for Xilinx products

What Architects Do
Architects plan and design houses, factories, office buildings, and other structures.

Duties of Architects
Architects typically do the following:
             Meet with clients to determine objectives and requirements for structures
             Give preliminary estimates on cost and construction time
             Prepare structure specifications
             Direct workers who prepare drawings and documents
             Prepare scaled drawings, either with computer software or by hand
             Prepare contract documents for building contractors
             Manage construction contracts
             Visit worksites to ensure that construction adheres to architectural plans
             Seek new work by marketing and giving presentations

People need places to live, work, play, learn, shop, and eat. Architects are responsible for designing these places. They work on public or private projects and design both indoor and outdoor spaces. Architects can be commissioned to design anything from a single room to an entire complex of buildings.
Architects discuss the objectives, requirements, and budget of a project with clients. In some cases, architects provide various predesign services, such as feasibility and environmental impact studies, site selection, cost analyses, and design requirements.

Architects develop final construction plans after discussing and agreeing on the initial proposal with clients. These plans show the building’s appearance and details of its construction. Accompanying these plans are drawings of the structural system; air-conditioning, heating, and ventilating systems; electrical systems; communications systems; and plumbing. Sometimes, landscape plans are included as well. In developing designs, architects must follow state and local building codes, zoning laws, fire regulations, and other ordinances, such as those requiring easy access to buildings for people who are disabled.

Computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) and building information modeling (BIM) have replaced traditional drafting paper and pencil as the most common methods for creating designs and construction drawings. However, hand-drawing skills are still required, especially during the conceptual stages of a project and when an architect is at a construction site.

As construction continues, architects may visit building sites to ensure that contractors follow the design, adhere to the schedule, use the specified materials, and meet work-quality standards. The job is not complete until all construction is finished, required tests are conducted, and construction costs are paid.
Architects may also help clients get construction bids, select contractors, and negotiate construction contracts.

Architects often collaborate with workers in related occupations, such as civil engineers, urban and regional planners, drafters, interior designers, and landscape architects.

Work Environment for Architects
Architects held about 112,600 jobs in 2014, with 69 percent employed in architectural, engineering, and related services. About 1 in 5 were self-employed.
Architects spend much of their time in offices, where they meet with clients, develop reports and drawings, and work with other architects and engineers. They also visit construction sites to ensure clients’ objectives are met and to review the progress of projects. Some architects work from home offices.

Architect Work Schedules
Most architects work full time and many work additional hours, especially when facing deadlines. Self-employed architects may have more flexible work schedules.

How to Become an Architect
Get the education you need: Find schools for Architects near you!
There are typically three main steps to becoming a licensed architect: completing a professional degree in architecture, gaining relevant experience through a paid internship, and passing the Architect Registration Examination.

Architect Education
In all states, earning a professional degree in architecture is typically the first step to becoming an architect. Most architects earn their professional degree through a 5-year Bachelor of Architecture degree program, intended for students with no previous architectural training. Many earn a master’s degree in architecture, which can take 1 to 5 years in addition to the time spent earning a bachelor’s degree. The amount of time required depends on the extent of the student’s previous education and training in architecture.
A typical bachelor’s degree program includes courses in architectural history and theory, building design with an emphasis on computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), structures, construction methods, professional practices, math, physical sciences, and liberal arts. Central to most architectural programs is the design studio, where students apply the skills and concepts learned in the classroom to create drawings and three-dimensional models of their designs.

Currently, 34 states require that architects hold a professional degree in architecture from one of the 123 schools of architecture accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB). State licensing requirements can be found at the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). In the states that do not have that requirement, applicants can become licensed with 8 to 13 years of related work experience in addition to a high school diploma. However, most architects in these states still obtain a professional degree in architecture.

Courses Available

- B. Arch. (Architecture)
- B.E. Naval Architecture
- B.Tech. Architectural Engineering
- Diploma in Architectural Assistantship
- Diploma in Architecture (Dip. Arch)

Qualification required

·         For pursuing B.Arch/B.E/B.Tech in architectural engineering a candidate need to pass10+2 with Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry
·         For pursuing Post Graduation graduate degree is required from any recognised university.

Some good institutes

·         Indian institute of Technology New Delhi,
·         Indian institute of Technology Mumbai,
·         Indian institute of Technology Guwahati,
·         Indian institute of Technology Kanpur,
·         Indian institute of Technology Kharagpur
·         Birla Institute of Technology (BITS) - (Pilani and Ranchi.),
·         Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi.,
·         University of Roorkee, Roorkee, Uttar Pradesh
·         NIT's (Regional engineering colleges) of different states
·         Jai Narain Vyas University
·         M.B.M. Engineering College (Mugniram Bangur Memorial Engineering College
·         Rajasthan Institute of Technology and Engineering Science

Entrance exams

- Entrance exams are conducted by council of architecture on all India bases.
- Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET)
- Various other institutes conduct their own Selection tests.

Architect Training
All state architectural registration boards require architecture graduates to complete a lengthy paid internship—generally 3 years of experience—before they may sit for the Architect Registration Examination. Most new graduates complete their training period by working at architectural firms through the Intern Development Program (IDP), a program run by NCARB that guides students through the internship process. Some states allow a portion of the training to occur in the offices of employers in related careers, such as engineers and general contractors. Architecture students who complete internships while still in school can count some of that time toward the 3-year training period.

Interns in architectural firms may help design part of a project. They may help prepare architectural documents and drawings, build models, and prepare construction drawings on CADD. Interns may also research building codes and write specifications for building materials, installation criteria, the quality of finishes, and other related details. Licensed architects will take the documents that interns produce, make edits to them, finalize plans, and then sign and seal the documents.

Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations
All states and the District of Columbia require architects to be licensed. Licensing requirements typically include completing a professional degree in architecture, gaining relevant experience through a paid internship, and passing the Architect Registration Examination.
Most states also require some form of continuing education to keep a license, and some additional states are expected to adopt mandatory continuing education. Requirements vary by state but usually involve additional education through workshops, university classes, conferences, self-study courses, or other sources.
A growing number of architects voluntarily seek certification from NCARB. This certification makes it easier to become licensed across states, because it is the primary requirement for reciprocity of licensing among state boards that are NCARB members. In 2014, approximately one-third of all licensed architects had the certification.

Advancement for Architects
After many years of work experience, some architects advance to become architectural and engineering managers. These managers typically coordinate the activities of employees and may work on larger construction projects.

Important Qualities for Architects
Analytical skills. Architects must understand the content of designs and the context in which they were created. For example, architects must understand the locations of mechanical systems and how those systems affect building operations.

Communication skills. Architects share their ideas, both in oral presentations and in writing, with clients, other architects, and workers who help prepare drawings. Many also give presentations to explain their ideas and designs.
Creativity. Architects design the overall look of houses, buildings, and other structures. Therefore, the final product should be attractive and functional.

Organizational skills. Architects often manage contracts. Therefore, they must keep records related to the details of a project, including total cost, materials used, and progress.
Technical skills. Architects need to use CADD technology to create plans as part of building information modeling (BIM).
Visualization skills. Architects must be able to see how the parts of a structure relate to each other. They also must be able to visualize how the overall building will look once completed.

Would a career as an Architect be a good fit for you? Take our Career Test to find out.
Architect Income As self employed
Self-employed architects may have more flexible work hours.

Job Outlook for Architects
Employment of architects is projected to grow 7 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations.
Architects will be needed to make plans and designs for the construction and renovation of homes, offices, retail stores, and other structures. Many school districts and universities are expected to build new facilities or renovate existing ones. In addition, demand is expected for more healthcare facilities as the baby-boomer population ages and as more individuals use healthcare services. The construction of new retail establishments may also require more architects.
Demand is projected for architects with a knowledge of “green design,” also called sustainable design. Sustainable design emphasizes the efficient use of resources, such as energy and water conservation; waste and pollution reduction; and environmentally friendly design, specifications, and materials. Rising energy costs and increased concern about the environment have led to many new buildings being built with more sustainable designs.

The use of CADD and, more recently, BIM, has made architects more productive. These technologies have allowed architects to do more work without the help of drafters while making it easier to share the work with engineers, contractors, and clients.

Architects Job Prospects
With a high number of students graduating with degrees in architecture, very strong competition for internships and jobs is expected. Competition for jobs will be especially strong at the most prestigious architectural firms. Those with up-to-date technical skills—including a strong grasp of CADD and BIM—and experience in sustainable design will have an advantage.
Employment of architects is strongly tied to the activity of the construction industry. Therefore, these workers may experience periods of unemployment when there is a slowdown in requests for new projects or when the overall level of construction falls.

Careers Related to Architects

Civil Engineers
Civil engineers design, build, supervise, operate, and maintain construction projects and systems in the public and private sector, including roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.

Construction Managers
Construction managers plan, coordinate, budget, and supervise construction projects from start to finish.

Drafters use software to convert the designs of engineers and architects into technical drawings. Most workers specialize in architectural, civil, electrical, or mechanical drafting and use technical drawings to help design everything from microchips to skyscrapers.

Graphic Designers
Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.

Industrial Designers
Industrial designers develop the concepts for manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and toys. They combine art, business, and engineering to make products that people use every day. Industrial designers consider the function, aesthetics, production costs, and the usability of products when developing new product concepts.

Interior Designers
Interior designers make interior spaces functional, safe, and beautiful by determining space requirements and selecting decorative items, such as colors, lighting, and materials. They read blueprints and must be aware of building codes and inspection regulations, as well as universal accessibility standards.

Landscape Architects
Landscape architects design parks and the outdoor spaces of campuses, recreational facilities, private homes, and other open areas.

Urban and Regional Planners
Urban and regional planners develop land use plans and programs that help create communities, accommodate population growth, and revitalize physical facilities in towns, cities, counties, and metropolitan areas.

Scope of Services | An Architect Explains

Many people hesitate to involve architects because of the incomplete understanding of the Architect’s role and responsibilities in design, planning and construction processes. Some think that the Architect only designs the building while some think that he designs as well as constructs the building. Others think that the Architect designs and turns over the drawings to the contractors and his work is done. But the fact is that the services rendered by an Architect are far more complex and comprehensive. S/he is usually involved in the project from concept to completion.

Architectural drawings are a part of an Architect’s responsibilities
If you are hiring an Architect in India, you need to have a fair idea of the range of services Architects provide. As an Architect practising in Bangalore, India, I have had to often explain my scope of services, to make things clear to my clients. Here I have described the responsibilities and the comprehensive services rendered by an Architect in 7 or 8 stages in detail:

        The Architect ascertains the Client’s requirements of the project, like its design appearance, financial budget and time frame.
        He prepares in agreement with the Client, a program of his requirements.
        He visits the Site and examines the site constraints, potential and the surrounding environment.
        He examines the Codes, Legislation and standards as they affect the project.
        He acquaints the Client with the Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Charges as prescribed by the Council of Architecture.
        The Client engages the Architect and both effectively enter an agreement by signing a standard Letter of Appointment.

        The Architect prepares a report on site evaluation, state of existing buildings, if any; and analysis and impact of proposed development on the immediate environment.
        He obtains from the Client or gets a detailed topographical survey of the site, prepared at the Clients expense. This survey shall include all the necessary data related to the existing structure, existing public utility lines, trees, pavements, roads, restrictions, easements and boundaries.
        He obtains from the Client or gets soil tests, site borings or such other tests on sub-soil conditions done at the Clients expense.
        He prepares conceptual designs to explain his understanding of the Client’s requirements.
        He prepares a rough estimate of the cost of the project on the basis of the area. Under no circumstance does the Architect guarantee such estimate of cost.

Conceptual drawings to explain the basic concept
        The Architect modifies the conceptual designs incorporating required changes.
        He prepares the preliminary drawings, sketches, study model etc., for the Client’s approval.
        He prepares a preliminary estimate of cost on the basis of the area.


             The Architect incorporates any more suggestions of the Client.
             He then prepares drawings necessary for approval from the Client / statutory authorities.
             He ensures compliance with codes, standards and legislation as applicable.
             He assists the Client in obtaining the statutory approval, if required.

        The Architect involves Engineering Consultants like Structural, Electrical, Sanitary & Plumbing consultants in the project at this stage.
        The Architect provides the Consultants with all the necessary information to allow them to perform their specialist work.
        He prepares Working Drawings, Specifications and Schedule of Quantities sufficient to prepare an Estimate of Cost (in consultation with his consultants).
        He advises the Client and gets approval on the form of Contract and method of placing the Contract.
        He prepares a short list of suitable Contractors with appropriate justification.
        He prepares Tender drawings including large scale details and Tender documents including mode of measurement, method of payments, quality control procedures and other Conditions of Contract, to describe the whole project adequately for the purpose of placing the main Contract.

Detailed working drawings help the contractor to understand the details


             The Architect invites, receives and analyses Tenders.
             He advises the Client on the appointment of the Contractor.

        The Architect prepares Working Drawings and details for the proper execution of works during construction.
        He issues sufficient copies of working drawings, schedules, specifications, Bill of Quantities and other contract documents to the Contractors for the proper execution of works.
        He approves the Works Progress Schedule prepared by the Contractors.
        He approves samples of various elements and components.
        He checks and approves shop drawings submitted by the Contractors and Vendors
        He advises the Client to appoint and pay a Construction Manager or Clerk of Works or Site Supervisor, (who shall work under the guidance of the Architect), for the day-to-day supervision at site, in order to ensure that the work at site proceeds in accordance with the contract documents and drawings.
        He attends conferences, meetings to ensure that the project proceeds generally in accordance with the conditions of contract.
        He visits the site at intervals mutually agreed upon, to inspect and evaluate the construction work and keeps the client informed on the quality and progress of work. Where necessary, he clarifies any decision and offers interpretation of the drawings and specifications at site.
        He shall ensure that the drawings are being correctly interpreted at site, and the finishing is of acceptable quality. In case of adverse certification, the payments of the Contractor shall be with-held until the defects have been rectified.
        He advises the Client if the Contract time is likely to be varied, or if the total authorized expenditure is likely to be exceeded.
        The Architect checks the Contractors applications for payment (Bills) with the help of the site engineers and issues Certificates authorizing payment.
        He issues Certificate of Virtual Completion of works.

An architect visits the site regularly to ensure that the drawings are being interpreted correctly.

        The Architect prepares and submits completion reports and drawings
        He assists the Client in obtaining Completion or Occupation Certificate from the Statutory Authorities wherever required.
        He issues two sets of as-built drawings including services and structures. for the project as required.

The Architect’s responsibilities and services rendered at every Stage of the Project have been enumerated above. In addition, the Architect has some more responsibilities that should be mentioned:
        The Architect shall keep the Client informed about the progress of work in his Office.
        The Architect shall appoint specialized Consultants, in consultation with the Client, if necessary.
        The Architect shall be responsible for the direction and integration of the Consultants work. However, the Consultants shall be responsible for the calculations, detailed design and periodic inspection of the work entrusted to them.
        The Architect shall not make any deviations, alterations or omissions from the approved drawings, involving financial implications, without the prior consent of the Client.
        No change shall be made at site from the approved drawings and specifications, without the consent of the Architect
In consideration of the comprehensive professional services rendered by the Architect, he should be paid professional fees. In India, the fees is prescribed by the Council of Architecture. However, it is not rigidly followed and the fees can vary very significantly depending on the requirements and complexity of each project and the scope of services provided. So you can negotiate with your architect. Read about it here:

Professional Fees of An Architect | An Architect Explains
In consideration of the comprehensive professional services rendered by the Architect, s/he shall be paid professional fees and other charges. In India, the fees to be paid are prescribed by the Council of Architecture. However, it is not rigidly followed and the fees can vary very significantly, depending on the requirements and complexity of each project and the scope of services provided. For this reason there are no set or standard fees.

Generally speaking large, new build projects attract much lower percentage fees than small works or existing buildings. Commercial works attract lower fees than private residential works whereas works to historic or listed buildings, buildings with complexity and requiring more bespoke design will attract higher fees and so on. A ‘signature’ architect may charge more than an ‘unknown’. In times of recession, architects may struggle to find work, and may offer lower fees simply to keep work flowing through the office, conversely in boom years, they may not have enough staff to meet demand and so will push fees up.

The Architect’s fees varies between 6% to 15% of the project cost. People wonder why the fees are high. The Architect’s services are so vast and comprehensive that he should be remunerated for:
             Involvement from the concept stage to the completion of the building,
             The efforts involved in preparing designs,
             The cost involved in making drawings and other documents,
             The cost of supervision in terms of time of the Architect,
             The fees paid to the different Consultants appointed by the Architect, and
             Adequate compensation for responsibilities undertaken by the Architect.

The fees payable to the Architect shall be computed as a percentage (see Scale of Charges chart) of the Actual Cost of the project works, as on completion. The fees listed in the scale of charges is the minimum payable for the Architect’s services. However, depending on the requirement of the Client, the Architect may be willing to provide advice and ideas for a reduced fee or taper services to suit the Client’s budget.

The ‘Actual cost of the project’ shall be the actual cost of the completed building work as calculated on the accepted tenders, including the cost of Structural, Sanitary, Plumbing and Electrical work, Sanitary and Electrical fittings & fixtures, lifts, escalators and all items on which the Architect has rendered professional services, but shall exclude the cost of the Client’s site office, cost of land and cost of supervisory staff at the site.
If there are substantial changes to the project, there will be additional work for the Architect. To cover that contingency, the fees should be renegotiated if the Project Cost substantially changes or increases. Alternatively, the fees may be set as a percentage of the actual cost, so it will automatically change if the project cost goes up.

Roughly speaking, an Architect’s work is broken into 3 stages. The first stage is design and planning. The second stage is detailed working drawings, tender drawings and tendering. The third stage is construction administration and supervision.
For only designs: So if a Client wants only designs and planning, the fees will be approximately one third of the full fees. Sometimes architects offer a plan and elevation for a standard site for a very nominal fee. But in my opinion, it is not advisable to go for such packages because the are not custom made for your site and your requirements.
Design and working drawings: If the Client wants only the design and working drawings necessary for his Contractor to construct (and does not require the Architect’s supervision), then the fees will be approximately half of the full fees.

The fees can be made Lump-Sum Fees, if it is the intention and desire of the Architect and Client that the fees be frozen at the time of award of the Contract. This protects the client in case the project cost goes up (which it invariably will) on completion. Also in the event of any unforeseen events, changes in drawings, tenders and estimates cannot be charged extra.

Aside from the architect, the project will require the inputs of consultants such as structural engineers, electrical, plumbing, sanitary, air-conditioning consultants and specialists like a quantity surveyor on larger projects, who will monitor costs. Normally, the Architect appoints these consultants and pays them in accordance with the Conditions of Engagement and Scale of Fees prescribed by the respective professional Institutions.

Any tax levied by law, such as Service Tax, etc contingent to professional services rendered by the Architect, shall be payable by the Client, over and above the gross fees charged by the Architect. Sometimes the Architect agrees to include the Service tax in the total fees decided by the two parties.

In addition to the fees payable, the Client will reimburse the Architect towards actual expenses of the following:
        Return air fare or first class A.C. train fare for any out-station visits made by the Architect or his professional staff and first class train fare for non-professional staff to the out-station site in connection with the execution of work.
        Actual lodging and boarding and local transport costs.
        Cost of Presentation Drawings, Perspectives, models, computer simulation etc., if required by the Client.
        Costs could also arise from planning application charges and commencement notices such as newspaper and site notices.

Architectural models will cost more
In India, the scale of charges to be paid to an Architect is prescribed by the Council of Architecture, but most people do not know it. The Scale of Charges recommended by the Council for housing, interior and landscape design, Site development, conservation, alterations, urban design and graphic design have been described here:

Scale Of Charges | An Architect Explains
An Architect charges fees for the design of a building according to the Scale of Charges prescribed in the country where he is practicing. In India, the scale of charges are listed by the Council of Architecture, but most people do not know it. So as an Architect practising in India, I have listed this Scale of Charges recommended by the Council for housing, interior and landscape design, Site development, conservation, alterations, urban design.

The scale of charges prescribed by the Council of Architecture is for different types of projects. The CoA insists that a client fixes the Architect’s fees according to this scale of charges, though negotiation between the Architect and the Client is allowed for works costing upto Rs 14,00,000/- However, I must mention that in reality, negotiation takes place for every project and the fees are decided depending on the complexity of the project and the scope of services required. This here, is just a reference guide.

Individual / Independent House – 7.5% on the cost of works assigned.
Single Block Housing and Sites upto 0.5 hectares – 5.0% on the cost of works assigned.
Sites more than 0.5 hectares and upto 2.5 hectares – 3.5% on the cost of works assigned.
Sites more than 2.5 hectares and upto 5 hectares – 2.5% on the cost of works assigned.
Sites more than 5 hectares – 2.0% on the cost of works assigned.
ALL PROJECTS OTHER THAN HOUSING: 5.0% on the cost of works assigned.
REPETITION OF BUILDING IN SAME CAMPUS: 2.5% on the cost of works assigned.
REPETITION OF BUILDING ELSEWHERE: 3.5% on the cost of works assigned.
SITE DEVELOPMENT: 2.5% on the cost of works assigned.
INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE, SIGNAGE, GRAPHIC DESIGN: 7.5% on the cost of works assigned.
LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: 7.5% on the cost of works assigned.
URBAN DESIGN: 1.0% on the cost of works assigned.

Outstation site visit: Rs 3000/- per day
Local Site visit:  Rs 1000/- per day
Rs 10,000/- per day for outstation project,
Rs 4,000/- per day for local project.

The Architect’s fee is usually paid out in installments, at various project stages typically coinciding with project milestones. At the outset, the Client and the Architect should agree on these staged payments in the contract as detailed here:

Schedule of Payment to an Architect
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he architect’s fee is usually paid out in installments, at various stages typically coinciding with project milestones such as Initial Design (20% of total fees payable), Developed Design (35% of total fees payable), Working drawings (45% of total fees payable), start of Construction (65% of total fees payable) and the remaining 35% of the total fees is paid during the construction, at different stages consistent with the work done at site. At the outset the Client and the Architect should agree on these staged payments.


CLIENTS BRIEF: On appointment and signing of Agreement – Rs 30,000/- or 5% of total fees payable, adjustable at the last stage, based on the Rough estimate of cost.

CONCEPT DESIGN: On submitting Conceptual designs and Rough estimate – 10% of total fees payable, based on the Rough estimate of Cost.

PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND DRAWINGS: On submitting the required Preliminary Scheme for the Client’s approval along with the Preliminary Estimate of cost – 20% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.

DEVELOPED DESIGN AND DRAWINGS FOR APPROVALS: On incorporating Clients suggestions and submitting drawings for approval from the Client/Statutory Bodies – 35% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.

WORKING DRAWINGS AND TENDER DOCUMENTS: On preparation of working drawings, specifications, schedule of quantities, estimate, and tender documents – 45% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on Preliminary estimate of cost.

APPOINTMENT OF CONTRACTORS: On inviting, receiving and analyzing tenders and advising the Client on appointment of Contractors – 55% of the total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost. CONSTRUCTION: On submitting Working Drawings and details required for commencement of Work at site: 65% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 20% OF WORK: This will be after the centre line and foundation stage. 70% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 40% OF WORK: For example, after casting of Ground floor slab. 75% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 60% OF WORK: Probably, after casting of First floor slab. 80% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 80% OF WORK: During electrical and plumbing stage. 85% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

ON COMPLETION OF 90% OF WORK: After plastering. 90% of total fees payable, less payment already made, based on accepted Tender cost.

COMPLETION: On submitting Completion Report and drawings for the project required in obtaining Completion / Occupation Certificate from Statutory Authorities and on issue of as-built drawings – 100% of total fees payable, less Retainer & payment already made, based on Actual total cost.

Top 10 Most Famous Indian Architects
India is a proud nation for its enriched architecture, we all know it. But not much attention is given for the person behind it. However, this compilation is dedicated for these people.

Brinda Somaya
Who says females are neglected in India? Brinda has proved it wrong. The famous Holiday Inn of Bangalore and St.Thomas Cathedral of Mumbai are going to keep her in mind when someone talks about Indian Architecture. She has got the Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Mumbai and holds the master degree as well. She has shown her Excellencies in New York as well.

Piloo Mody
He is considered a great name in the history of Indian Architecture. Apart from being a flamboyant architect he is known for his political Excellencies as well. He was elated to Indian Lok Sabha twice. He was married to the fellow American architect Lavina Colgan Mody. He was elated to Indian Rajya Sabha as well.

Nari Gandhi
He is popularly known as Nariman Gandhi as well. This personality is primarily known for his creative approach in work. He is considered the master of organic architecture. Born in Surat, this famous Indian architect has also worked for Warren Webber, the American architect. The best thing about him was that he used to blend contemporary needs quite nicely.

Raj Rewal
 This Punjab born architect has bagged the Gold medal from prestigious Indian Institute of Architects. He was the part of Delhi School of Architect as well. Raj is very famous for his problem solving skill and creative approach in work. He is also the winner of Robert Mathew Award.

Gautam Bhatia
 This famous architect was born in 1952. Apart from the brilliant works in architect, he is pretty popular as an architecture author of the nation. Mr. Bhatia is having the Master’s degree in Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. He is pretty famous for his humorous personality, and being a critic.

A P Kanvinde
Achyut Kanvinde is a quite known name in the list of contemporary Architects. He was chosen to be sent to the prestigious Havard University by Indian Government. Though he is having many credits under his account, the IIT Kanpur design will always remain one of his top achievements.

Hafeez Contractor
 He is a pretty well known name among the contemporary Indian Architects. He is the part of Bombay Heritage Committee. There is a great long list under his belt exhibiting his skills. The 42 is the one on the way. However, DY Patil Stadium, Morya Regency in Mumbai, Hiranandani Gardens are among the top witness of his excellent talent.

Raja Chola I
He is another big ancient name under the category of architects. Primarily people know him as a great ruler and for his efforts towards spiritual improvements. At the same time it is a fact that his empire had touched a great height in architect development during his tenure.

B V Doshi
 B V Doshi also known as Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi is a known name in the list of Indian architects. He is considered the prime protagonist in the progress of architectural movements in India, and the architect of IIM Bangalore.

Satish Gujral
 This famous Indian architect was born in Punjabi family in 1925. Apart from being a skilled architect he is having a great hand on painting, graphic designing as well.
India has produced many good architects right from the early eras to present day India. Unfortunately, not much is known about the architects who created the wondrous temples, mahals, palaces, masjids and buildings of the ancient India. However the architects who shaped the style of buildings in Contemporary India are notable. Here is a list of some of the well known, contemporary Architects in India.


Architectural companies
Architectural companies play a significant role in the development of urban infrastructure and renovations. These companies have architects that consult on and design for the construction of buildings, bridges, railway stations, parks, apartment complexes, malls and other structures. Here are the top 10 architect companies in India:

Architect Hafeez Contractor  (
Recognized as one of the top architects in India, Hafeez Contractor has made a global name for himself and his company, which he has named after himself. Started in 1983, the company has designed some of the most impressive and award winning structures in India including Mumbai’s Hyatt Regency, Infosys buildings in Pune, Mysore and others, and the Birla Institute of Technology & Science in Pilani.

C.P. Kukreja Associates  (
Based in Delhi, C.P. Kukreja is one of the top architect companies in India. It is involved in consulting in the areas like town planning, urban building and landscape design, and quantity surveying. The company has won several national and international awards for its architectural designs.

Oscar & Ponni Architects  (
Chennai based Oscar & Ponni Architects, also known as Oscar Concessao International, is one of the world renowned architect firms in India. It was established in 1996 by the husband-wife duo Oscar and Ponni Concessao. Its portfolio includes several award winning structures and green buildings.

Kembhavi Architecture Foundation (
Founded in 1972, Kembhavi is a renowned architecture firm in India, specializing in environment friendly constructions. It offers a range of services including structural engineering, architectural designing, infrastructure project management and interior designing.

Shilpa Architects  (

Founded in 1979, Shilpa Architects is a multinational architectural company in India with offices in Seoul, Chicago, New York and Chennai. This award winning firm specializes in environmentally sustainable structural designs. Its portfolio has structures like the Reserve Bank of India, Paranur Railway Station and Radisson Hotels.

Talati & Panthaky Associated (/
TPA, established in 1975, is one of the oldest architectural companies in India. Its services include architecture designing, construction supervision, urban planning and interior designing. Over the years the company has won several awards for its designs. Its previous projects include Jindal Mansion, Palais Royale, and Birla Group Corporate Building.

Christopher Charles Benninger Architects (
CCBA is a famous architect company in India, well known for designing the Tsechu National Ceremonial Plaza in Thimpu, Bhutan. Its other projects include the Ashoka Universal School in Nasik, India House in Pune and the Institute of Social Sciences in Delhi. The company is headed by world renowned architect, Professor Benninger.

Manchanda Associates  (
Founded in 1993, Manchanda Associates is an architectural consulting firm that specializes in urban, health care and environmental construction planning and design. The company has experience in designing hospitals, industrial buildings, corporate offices, and housing complexes.

N.M. Roof Designers Ltd.  (
N.M. Roof Designers is a famous architect company in India. It deals with consulting and designing infrastructural projects like bridges, factories, apartment complexes, malls and other buildings. The company was established in 1986 and has since done remarkable work in the structural and construction designing fields.

Architecture Brio  (
Architecture Brio is among the top architectural companies in India, well known for its elaborate yet green designs. Some of its well known works include the Biodiversity Training Institute in Sikkim, Dunhill Beach Cottage in Goa and Lighthouse Village in Sri Lanka. The company is based in Mumbai. 


Sl no
VSA Architect
A-134, Lajpat Nagar-1, Delhi 110014, Delhi
+ 9111- 2981613
3rd Floor, Srirams Arcade, Govandi (E),
Mumbai, India- 400 088.
91 22 6703 1122 Fax - 91 22 6703 1133
Manchanda Associates
B-83 Shivalik, New Delhi-110017, India.
email :
Fax: +91-11-26692588
Venkatramanan Associates
10/2, O'Shaughnessy Road,
Langford Gardens,
Bangalore : 560 025,
Karnataka, INDIA
Ph : +91 80 4030 3050
Fax : +91 80 4030 3030
Chitra Vishwanath
264, VI Main, VI Block, BEL Layout,
Vidyaranyapura, Bangalore - 560 097
91 – 80- 41672790
Sompura Arts
Shop No.1-A, Neminath Apartment,
(Ground Floor,Corner Shop) Tejpal Road,
Behind Rama- Krishna Hotel ( Same Society ),
Opposite.Vile-Parle Railway Station ( East ),
Mumbai-400057, Maharashtra, India.
91-22-2611 39 08
Fax : 91-22- 2616 32 26
Mobile Nos. : 98196-57726
9324 222 448
CR2, First Floor, Patel Complex, Shaniwar Peth, Near Pune-Bangalore Highway, Karad, Maharashtra.
Bharat Patel
P - 103, Samarth Sarathi, Parle Point, Athwalines, Surat - 395 007, Gujarat,INDIA.
(91) (261) 2226438, 5536438,
+91 98251 26593
Biplab Talapatra
803/T1, Valley View Estate Gwalpahari
Gurgaon,  122003
+ 919958316096
91 12 4258 8102
G.M. Arch Pvt Ltd.
Architects, Engineers, Valuers & PMC201,
121/122, Modi Street,
And K.K. Chambers,
P.T. Marg Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400 001 Maharashtra, INDIA
022-66333931, 022- 26400512, (M) 9820032623
Gulve Architect and Builder
4 First Floor,
Jondhale Complex
Opp, Kulkarni Garden, Sharanpur Road Nashik 422 002
Maharashtra, INDIA
0253-571536 / 0253-572761
Hemant Navgire Associates
357 Rasta Peth
Opp.K.E.M Hospital,
Pune, Maharashtra,
INDIA PIN-411 011
N.D. Developers Pvt. Ltd.
398, 1st & 2nd Floor,
7th Cross Mico Layout,
BTM Layout
2nd stage
Bangalore - 560 076
Karnataka State,
080-4120 0012
Vasthu Architect
126/12, 16th. Main, VIJAYANAGAR, BANGALORE 560040
0091-80-338 4185
Malwadkar & Malwadkar
Shivam Complex,
589+590 Narayan Peth,Near Kanya Shala Pune Pune, Maharashtra,
PIN-411 030
020-445 9245
Pandit Archengers
403,Acme Industrial Park,
Off Western Express Highway Goregaon(E)
Mumbai - 400 063 Maharashtra, INDIA
Patel Associates Architects
T - 6, Nandi Flats 1,
Road, 53, Shrinagar Society, Akota, Vadodara,
Gujarat - 390 020
022 359 115
Plywood Kendra
384,Nana Peth,
Laxmi Road
Pune- 411 002, Maharashtra, INDIA
Rachna Architects and Interiors
117/118, Poornima Towers, Shankar Seth Road, Pune, Maharashtra - 411 037,
022 444 3689
Sumantech, Inc
2 New Shreya Nagar, Aurangabad, MS 431 005
(91) 240 645 0837
(M)  (91) 989 001 9718
V.K. Associates
Sai Market, Opp. Patiala Auto Enterprise,
Lower Mall.Patiala (Pb)
INDIA 147001
Email :
91-175 -220950
98410 41850
Ravi Associates
91, K.H.Road, Opp.
Transport House,
Bangalore - 560027, Karnataka, INDIA
Ajit Bhuta Associates
502, Bhaveshwar Complex, Vidyavihar (W)
Mumbai - 400 086 India.
+91-22 - 25147015 / 16 / 17
Fax: +91 - 22 - 55988615
Rahoul Singh Architects
C 320, lgf Defence Colony,
New Delhi – 110024, India
+91 11 2433 1012
Sanon Sen Associates
5 Russel Street
Calcutta - 700 071
(West Bengal) India
+91-33-22264579/6917 / 22172505/
Chaya + Chaya Design Consultants
MUMBAI 400 093
Khareghat and Associates
Lentin Chambers,
4th Floor,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai - 400 023
022- 2651770, 2655788
23 Old Madras Road Ulsoor Bangalore 560008 India
+91 80 42127333, 41133700,
+91 80 41133222, +919886001177
V.S Modi Associates
A-1/74, New Krishna Dham,Veena Nagar,L B S Marg,Mulund (W),
Mumbai, 400080
Temple Architects India Pvt. Ltd.
703/A, LandsEnd Bldg., Lokhandwala Complex
Andheri (W). Mumbai 400 053. INDIA.
Ravindra Group
15/7, Mathura Road, Sec-28, (Badkhal Chowk) Faridabad, Haryana
K Raheja Corp
Plot no C-30, Block G
Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra (E)
Mumbai – 400 051
+91 022 26564000
Fax: +91 022 26564899
20/1 Bannerghatta Main Road,
Kalena Agrahara
(1/2 kms from Meenakshi Temple),
Bangalore 080 560 076.
+91-080-2648 3800(5 lines)
Ansari and Associates
Flat G3, Nanada Apartments,
No. 21/7a,
Habibullah Road,
(Opp: Nadigar sangam)
T. Nagar,
Chennai 600017.
+91 44 28343402
 +91 44 28342879
Access Architects
15, 381, Ismail Building, D N Road, Hutatma Chowk, Mumbai, 400018
Canna Patel Architect and Interior Design
PH: (079) 448875. 468442. 400563. FAX
(079) 408924.
V.P.O. Anangpur,
District Faridabad - 121003,
Haryana (INDIA)
Kharche And Associates
2/20, Shaffee Mohamed Road, Chennai 600 006. Tamil Nadu. India
+91 (0) 44 2829
Fax: +91 (0) 44 2829 0651
J P Parekh
A.B Patwardhan
47 Ganga Niwas, Ranade Road, Dadar(W), Mumbai: 400028
022- 24302046
Ashish Groups
01/02, Ground Floor, 'C' Wing,
Arjun Niwas CHS., Bhatt Lane,
Near Poinsur Depot, Kandivali (West), Mumbai - 400 067
022-28691 182
Baba Builders
2, Airport Gate, Rajbari Colony, Kolkata, West Bengal 700081
033 27592572?
Devi Group
6th Floor, Plot No. 37, CTS No. 1576
Shivajinagar, PUNE - 411 005
91-20-2553 5020 
Hafeez Contractor
29, Bank Street, Mumbai 400 023. India
(91-22) 22661920
Fax : (91-22) 22664737
Anjam Apartment, 40/871, Chittoor Road, Cochin 682011
email :
0484 2352666, 2350693, 2351603,
98460 52666,
93889 60404,
93889 60406,
Fax : 0484 2384084,
Satish Constructions
011- 26862531
V R Architects
LGF-83, Ansal Fortune Arcade, Sector-18,
Noida 201301 (Delhi NCR) INDIA
+91 120 4574588  Fax: +91 120 4574588
(M) +91 98107 51856
A B Consultants Pvt Ltd
Sector- I I Salt Lake City, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091
033 2337 2165
Kadri Consultants Pvt Limited
4 A, Shiv Sagar Estates, Dr. Annie Besant Rd., Worli, Mumbai - 400 018
91 - 22 - 405 06666 / 2497 3630 / 2497 4660
Twin Architect
5/B Anand Nagar, Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim (W), Mumbai 400 016
91-22-437 6535.

*Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Used by permission.

1 comment:

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